Supelclean™ ENVI-18 & ENVI-8 SPE Disks
Retention Mechanism: Reversed-phase
Sample Matrix Compatibility: Aqueous solutions (drinking water)
The SPE membrane equivalents of ENVI-18 and ENVI-8 packed bed SPE sorbents
Porous glass fiber membranes embedded with C18 or C8 modified silica particles
Provides faster flow rates and exhibits less clogging than PTFE discs for the extraction of organic contaminants from drinking water samples
Typical applications include polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), phthalates, semivolatile organics, paraquat and diquat, pesticides and herbicides
57172 |
ENVI-8 DSK 固相萃取圆盘 47 mm, 24片 |
57170-U |
ENVI-18 DSK 固相萃取圆盘 90 mm, 12片 |
57171 |
ENVI-18 DSK 固相萃取圆盘 47 mm, 24片 |
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